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A home for conscious, patriotic parents endeavoring to teach their littles the principles of a free nation in a new earth.

Education is an area I am very passionate about and excited to add content here. I'm also looking to collaborate with patriotic, conscious people and groups that are already doing similar things. If this is you please shoot me a text (801)915-0905 I'd love to collaborate with you or add your links here if our missions are aligned!
Some of the topics I will be covering include
courage, freedom, accountability, gratitude, integrity, forgiveness, creativity, and intuition to name a few.
My daughter Sarah & her Uncle Sean. Back when you could climb up to the torch in the Lady Liberty!
There is no better place to start than with our babies and children for they are the future of life's longing for itSelf.
©Laurie Frazier All Rights Reserved 2018
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